Good Day to you. I'm glad you are reading this blog post. I am starting this website about me to document my interests, growth, progress and goals. I'm interested in Jamaica's people, plants, animals and nature, so I'll be writing about that. I am interested in more Gay /LGBTQAI+ support in Jamaica, so I'm working on that. I am interested in opening a nudist nature resort space, so I'm working on that. I'm interested in learning Jamaica's history with sex and queerness, so I'll be writing about that. I'll be documenting these, my thoughts and stories on this website.
Right now this is the blog aspect of the website. There will be other sections of the website coming up. I am an artist, currently working with music and creating an album, so music posts coming. I am also fundraising for a car, so there will be that section as well. I am also interested in events, either attending or hosting/promoting, so expect a section dedicated to social leisure as well. I've been thinking about a podcast. Lol. As you can see I think and do a lot. But not everything gets done. So, the podcast will also have a section.
This is my first post on this website, and I probably should have a lot to say, but I don't. So what I will do is have this page be a running list of all the blog posts I've made. So I'll keep updating this page with hyperlinks to other posts. I have no schedule of posting as yet. In my mind I say a post everyday, but Logic Rocks says I am a newbie to this (blogging), especially new to daily longform writing, so writing now I will work with weekly. I think the daily posting I dream of is not necessarily a daily blog post, but a daily content update to the website. So, for now, please check back weekly to catch up. Eventually I will set up the mailing list button on the website.